client | Nokia
Talking Points
Talking Points is the most successful Facebook application to date for Nokia. At the peak of its usage, there were more than 25,000 monthly active users.
Nokia 6650 Chronicles
Twenty influential bloggers were each handed a Nokia 6650 to document a day in their lives. A custom application was created to accept their incoming picture messages and post them directly to the site in real time.
Nokia Productions
The iGoogle and My Yahoo! widgets developed helped to promote Spike Lee's mission to create a movie based entirely on videos uploaded by site visitors.
Say What
Say What is the classic telephone game revised for Facebook. Users take turns drawing and having their friends try to figure out what they were trying to say using only the previous image. When the game is complete, everyone can then see how the game started and how it ended by the time it got to the last person.
Nokia Fan Page
The Nokia Fan Page was consolidated and grown by Tribal. I helped to develop it with page updates, releasing status messages, and other related activities.
Nokia Live! Fan Page
When starting up the Nokia Live! Fan Page, Nokia needed someone to consult with on what was and wasn't possible in the realm of Facebook Fan Pages and apps. They envisioned a way to allow fans of Nokia to watch live concerts streamed directly to the Fan Page.
Wicked Awesome Phones
A "hot or not" style application to see which users had the most beat up phones and in need of a new one.